Spatial-spectral filtering of a light field using a phase light modulator
Stsepuro N. G. 1, Kovalev M. S. 1
1Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

An improved approach to the synthesis of holographic filters, which are achromatic computer-generated Fourier holograms, is demonstrated, taking into account the spatial and spectral characteristics of the light field. An experimental testing of the obtained filters was carried out based on the use of a holographic wavefront sensor operating on the principles of correlation analysis, using several quasi-monochromatic radiation sources. Using the proposed filters, the longitudinal chromatic aberration was measured, the value of which was λ/3 with an error of λ/50. Keywords: spatial filtering, correlation analysis, Fourier holograms, polychromatic radiation. DOI: 10.61011/EOS.2023.02.55776.17-23
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