Barannikova S. A.1, Zuev L. B.1, Nadezhkin M. V.1
1Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk, Russia
The influence of Ni content in Cu-Ni alloys on the localization of plastic flow under uniaxial tension has been studied. The regularities of localization of plastic deformation during linear and parabolic deformation hardening, as well as at the yield point, depending on the Ni content in the solid solution, have been studied by the speckle photography method. The influence of the Ni content on the duration of the stages of parabolic deformation hardening in alloys of different composition was found. The dependence of the spatial period of localization of plastic deformation (the length of the localization autowave) on the Ni content in the studied alloys is established. Keywords: localization of plastic deformation, autowaves, copper-nickel alloys, structure, mechanical properties, deformation and impurity hardening.
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