Laser processing of fused silica for fabricating microfluidic elements
Bondarenko A. G.1, Zakoldaev R. A. 1, Ramos-Velazque A.1,2
1ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia
2llc "Laser Center", Saint-Petersburg, Russia

The paper discusses the action of the power and the scanning speed of CO2-laser radiation on the surface of fused silica for the manufacture of microchannels and microreservoirs for microfluidics tasks is investigated. The dependences of the size and the roughness of microstructures on of laser radiation parameters is established. The depth of microfluidic elements reaches 45 μm with a roughness of < 40 nm. The velocity of liquid propagation (up to 15 mm/s) is estimated for the microchannels fabricated. The wettability of microreservoirs is evaluated, with the wetting angle reaching 64± 7o. The fabricated elements have a high transmission (T≥ 0.8) in the visible spectral range. Keywords: CO2-laser, microchannel fused silica, microfluidics.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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