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Nanocomposites based on thermoplastic aromatic polyimides with cerium dioxide nanoparticles: dielectric spectroscopy
Nikonorova N. A.1, Kononov A. A.2, Kastro R. A.2, Gofman I. V.1, Nikolaeva A. L.1, Abalov I. V.1, Yakimansky A. V.1, Baranchikov A. E.3, Ivanov V. K.3
1Institute of Macromolecular Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia
3Институт общей и неорганической химии им. Н.С. Курнакова Российской академии наук, Москва, Россия

The molecular mobility of films of thermoplastic aromatic polyimides and nanocomposites based on them with 3% cerium dioxide has been studied by dielectric spectroscopy. Three relaxation regions of dipole polarization were found for the initial polyimides, γ and β (in the glassy state) and α (transition to a highly elastic state).The introduction of 3% cerium dioxide into the matrix polyimide leads to the suppression of the γ process and to the appearance in the spectra of nanocomposites, along with the β process, of the second relaxation process β1.The temperature dependences of the relaxation time for the γ, β and β1 processes are linear and correspond to the Arrhenius equation, and for the α process are curved and described by the Vogel-Tamman-Hesse equation. The interpretation of the molecular mechanisms of the observed processes is given. Keywords: Polymer-inorganic nanocomposites, aromatic polyimides, nanoscale cerium dioxide, dielectric characteristics, transition temperatures, molecular mechanisms of dielectric processes.
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