Physics of the Solid State
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Formation of a dendrite structure in crystals NiFeGaCo alloy in the process of growing by the Stepanov method
Nosov Yu. G.1, Krymov V. M.1, Vasiliev M.G.1, . Chikiryaka A.V.1, Nikolaev V..i.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

The process of growing crystals of the NiFeGaCo alloy by the Stepanov method has been developed. It was found that the structural perfection is disturbed by the formation of dendrites, which are distributed inhomogeneously both along the length and in the cross sections of the crystals. The blocking effect of the dendrites on growth crystals of the martensite phase, which appears when the samples are cooled to the temperature of the transition of the crystal to the martensite state, is found. The elemental composition of dendritic formations was studied and it was shown that the iron content in the dendrite is approximately 30% higher, and the gallium content is 40% lower than in the matrix. Based on the modeling of heat transfer processes in the real growth zone, taking into account the experiments performed, recommendations were obtained for suppressing the formation of dendrites Keywords: Dendritic structure, shape memory alloys, Stepanov's method.
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