Physics of the Solid State
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Effect of boron doping on luminescent properties of silicon--vacancy and germanium--vacancy color centers in diamond particles obtained by chemical vapor deposition
Grudinkin S. A. 1, Feoktistov N. A. 1, Bogdanov K. V. 2, Baranov A. V. 2, Golubev V. G. 1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Center of Information Optical Technologies, ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia

The effect of doping with boron on the luminescent properties of diamond particles synthesized by Hot Filament Chemical Vapor Deposition technique with color centers embedded during the growth process has been studied. It is shown that at low boron doping level, the photoluminescence intensity of a narrow zero-phonon line of the silicon-vacancy color center (738.2 nm) demonstrates a strong dependence on the concentration of boron atoms at the sites of the diamond lattice. The dependence of the intensity of a broad photoluminescence band in the wavelength range 520-800 nm on the concentration of boron atoms in the gas mixture in the range from 14 to 64000 ppm has been analyzed. The Raman scattering spectra of the obtained particles have been studied. At the concentration of boron atoms in the gas mixture up to 1540 ppm, the Raman scattering spectra of diamond particles practically do not change when the boron concentration is varied. At high boron doping level, the diamond band in the Raman spectra exhibit a spectral response typical of the Fano resonance. Keywords: diamond particles, color centers, boron doping, photoluminescence, chemical vapor deposition.
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