Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Thermodynamics and kinetics of elastic calorific effect in shape memory alloys
Malygin G. A.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

The mechanism of elastic calorific effect in crystals of alloys with SME is theoretically discussed within the framework of the theory of diffuse thermoelastic martensitic transitions, that the structural transitions in alloys with shape memory effect (SME) are. The theory provides an adequate description of the elastic calorific effect under adiabatic unloading of the crystal and stable behavior of the martensitic transition. Flexibility of the theory is also applicable to kinetically unstable (with a burst) martensitic transitions caused by structural features of the crystal, as is the case, according to literature, of Ni50Fe19Ga27Co4 alloy crystal compression along the direction of [011]. Key words: alloys with SME, elastic calorific effect, thermoelastic martensitic transitions, stable and unstable kinetics of martensitic transition.
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