Physics of the Solid State
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Resonant dynamics of the magnetization of uniaxial nanoparticle
Shytyi. A.M.1, Vasilevskaya T. M. 1, Sementsov D. I.1
1Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk, Russia

Analysis of equilibrium conditions was carried out and resonant precessional dynamics of magnetization of a single-domain magnetically uniaxial ellipsoidal particle. Considered the case when magnetic field is along the easy magnetization axis. the easy magnetization axis is directed parallel to the axis of symmetry of the ellipsoid and transverse to pumping by a weak high-frequency field. Features of the behavior of the magnetization were discovered. It has been revealed that the magnetization has features of resonant behavior: large resonant precession angles with amplitude 0.5M0, elliptical deviations of the precession trajectory from circular at a negative value of the effective anisotropy field, and the presence of a frequency region with nonlinear precession for an oblate nanoparticle. Keywords: ferromagnetic resonance, elliptical nanoparticles, transverse bias field, effective anisotropy, bistability, easy magnetization axis, nonlinear effects.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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