Physics of the Solid State
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Features of dependence of Raman spectra of cluster structures of three-dimensionally polymerized fullerite on pressure
Khorobrykh F.S.1,2, Churkin V.D.1,2, Popov M.Yu.1,2
1Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University), Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, Russia
2Technological institute for superhard and novel carbon materials, Troitsk, Russia

We study the effect of high hydrostatic pressure on 3D polymerized fullerite C60. We do not observe further structural changes until 150 GPa after a formation of 3D C60 under hydrostatic pressure 28 GPa. It is experimentally shown that the obtained samples consist of different clusters formed by sp3 bonds with a different set of force constants, the values of which vary within 20% and exceed the diamond force constants by the factor of 1.3-1.5. The influence of the exposure of laser radiation on the process of 3D polymerization of C60 under pressure was found. Increasing of the exposure by the factor of 15 leads to a decrease in the bulk modulus of 3D C60 from 610 GPa to 504 GPa. Keywords: bulk modulus, ultrahard fullerite, high pressures, Raman spectroscopy.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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