Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
More on the Effect of Inhomogeneous Dielectric Coating on Metal Characteristics
Pogosov V. V. 1
1National University "Zaporizhzhia Politechnic", Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine

Within the framework of the quantum-statistical functional and the Ritz method, the the problem of finding the surface energy per unit area and work function electrons of a metal flat surface with a inhomogeneous dielectric coating, taken into account in the approximation of a continuous medium. For a uniform coating, the calculated values are insensitive to the selection one-parameter functions for an electronic profile, but sensitive to the gradient series of kinetic energy non-interacting electrons. Calculations are performed for Al, Na and the comparison with the calculations by the Kohn-Shem method is made. Analytically the connection between the theory of the Ritz method for inhomogeneous coatings and calculations by the Kohn-Shem method work function of electrons for metal-dielectric nanosandwiches. As it turned out, the influence inhomogeneous coating on the characteristics of the metal surface can be scaled down to a uniform coverage case. The possibility of using the obtained results in various experimental situations are discussed. Keywords: Work function, Schottky barrier, dielectric coating.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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