Physics of the Solid State
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Ac susceptibility of the superconducting porous glass/Ga-In-Sn nanocomposite
Shevtsova O. D.1, Likholetova M. V. 1, Charnaya E. V. 1, Shevchenko E. V. 1, Kumzerov Yu. A. 2, Fokin F. V. 2
1St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

Interest to studies of gallium alloys increased recently in relation to their prospective applications for self-healing superconducting connections and wires. Special attention is focused on superconductive properties of nanostructured alloys. In the present work we studied the ac susceptibility of a porous glass/Ga-In-Sn nanocomposite within the temperature range from 1.9 to 8 K at bias fields up to 5 T. Two superconducting phase transitions were revealed with temperatures of 5.6 and 3.1 K. Phase diagrams were created. Positive curvature of the parts of critical lines was demonstrated and treated within the framework of a proximity effect model. Vortex activation barriers were found from shifts of the maxima of the imaginary parts of susceptibility with changing the ac frequency. A bend was shown on the field dependence of the activation barriers. Keywords: Ga-In-Sn triple alloy, nanocomposite, superconductivity, magnetometry.
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