Electron-stimulated desorption of Na atoms from the surface of the intermetallic compound CsAu
Kuznetsov Yu.A.1, Lapushkin M.N.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
Email: Kuznets@ms.ioffe.ru, lapushkin@ms.ioffe.ru
Electron-stimulated desorption of Na atoms from the surface of the 2D intermetallic compound CsAu was studied upon deposition of Na atoms on it. It was shown that up to a coverage of 0.35 monolayers of Na atoms, the electron-stimulated desorption of Na atoms is associated with the excitation of the core levels of the adsorbate Cs 5s and Au 5p3/2 and with the excitation of the core level of the adsorbent Na 2p, and at coverage more than 0.4 monolayers of Na, the electron-stimulated desorption of Na atoms is associated only with the excitation of the core levels of the adsorbate Au 5p3/2. Two peaks were found in the distribution of the kinetic energies of the desorbed Na atoms, the position and intensity of which depend on the coverage with Na atoms. A model of electron-stimulated desorption of Na atoms associated with the excitation of the core levels of Cs 5s, Au 5p3/2 and Na 2p is proposed. Keywords: electron-stimulated desorption, intermetallic, adsorption, sodium, CsAu.
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