Physics of the Solid State
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Features of the thermal conductivity and heat capacity behavior in the Ni50.2Mn39.8In10 alloy near the phase transition temperatures
Batdalov A. B.1, Khanov L. N.1, Mukhuchev A. A.1, Mashirov A. V.2, Aliev A. M.1
1Amirkhanov Institute of Physics, Daghestan Federal Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia
2Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Thermal conductivity (kappa), heat capacity (CP), magnetization (M) and electrical resistivity (rho) of the Ni50.2Mn39.1In10 Heusler alloy were measured in wide temperature range of T=25-350 K. Anomalies were found on the M(T) and CP(T) curves, indicating phase transitions of the second and first order with the Curie temperature TC=322 K and the temperature of the martensitic transition start MS=296 K. A sharp increase in thermal conductivity Δkappa=3.2 W/(m · K) during the martensite-austenite transition is found, caused by the electron contribution due to the electron mobility increasing during the transition to the more symmetric phase. The lattice thermal conductivity changes insignificantly during the transition, that indicates the insensitivity of phonons to the structural disorder. Keywords: Heusler alloys, ferromagnetic, magnetostructural phase transitions, helium temperatures, resistivity, magnetization.
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