Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Negative capacitance in island metal films
Boltaev A. P.1, Pudonin F. A.1, Sherstnev I. A.1
1Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Studies of electrical properties of island films were performed. Dependences of differential conductivity of films on temperature and frequency of external electric field are measured. Studies of electrophysical properties of films ensure determination of processes which determine occurrence of negative capacitance in the island films. On one hand, these processes are determined by concentration increasing of excess charge carriers in the film under the action of the electric field, on the other hand, by inertia of current change in the film relative to external variable electric field. The inertia of current change is associated with rate of generation and recombination of concentration of excess charged islands. Keywords: Island film, thin film, negative capacitance, dielectric permittivity.
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