Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Formation and stabilization of dispersed "core-shell" structures as a result of solid-phase wetting
Razumov I.K.1
1M.N. Mikheev Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg, Russia

The use of alloying components to control the microstructure and inhibit the growth of precipitates during alloy decomposition is a promising method for developing new materials. However, in the analysis of decomposition kinetics and the mechanisms of "core-shell" structure formation, the effect of solid-phase wetting is rarely taken into account. It is traditionally believed that wetting is more characteristic of transformations involving a liquid phase. This work demonstrates that wetting is determined by the same interatomic interaction energies responsible for decomposition, and therefore should be considered in the analysis of transformations in multi-component alloys. Furthermore, the Kinetic Monte Carlo modeling automatically takes this effect into account, while diffusion phenomenological models often neglect it. Conditions for complete and partial solid-phase wetting are formulated. The conditions for stabilizing dispersed states of the alloy in the presence of wetting are investigated. Keywords: Ternary alloy, spinodal decomposition, dispersed states, Monte Carlo simulation, solid phase wetting.
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