Drokina T.V.1, Molokeev M.S.1, Bayukov O.A.1, Velikanov D.A.1, Vorotynov A.M.1, Petrakovsky G.A.1
1Kirensky Institute of Physics, Federal Research Center KSC SB, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Email: tvd@iph.krasn.ru
The compound NaMnFe2(VO_4)3 was obtained by solid-phase synthesis from the starting oxides Na2CO3, Fe2O3, MnCO3 and V2O5. The structural and static magnetic properties were studied, and the material was characterized using Mossbauer spectroscopy and electron paramagnetic resonance. The parameters of the trigonal unit cell (space group P1) were determined and the crystal structure was refined (the coordinates of the atoms and their isotropic thermal parameters, the main lengths of interatomic bonds are given). The structural features of NaMnFe2(VO_4)3 allow for the existence of competing magnetic exchange interactions, as well as the formation of a state of local violation of charge neutrality. The chain magnetic subsystem NaMnFe2(VO_4)3, formed by Mn2+ and iron Fe3+ cations, in the temperature range T>50 K is characterized primarily by antiferromagnetic exchange interaction and the molar value of the effective magnetic moment μeff(ex)=9.9 μB. At temperatures below 10.5 K, the temperature dependence of the magnetic moment depends on the thermal history of the sample. Keywords: inorganic compounds, multicomponent vanadates, crystal structure, resonant and magnetic properties.
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