Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Absorption of an oscillating magnetic field power at frequencies of nuclear spin-spin interactions in semiconductors
Litvyak V. M.1, Bazhin P. S.1, Kavokin K. V.1
1SOLAB Spin-optic laboratory, Saint-Petersburg state university, St. Petersburg, Russia

We present a general overview of our previously published experimental and theoretical studies of the power absorption spectra of oscillating magnetic fields by optically cooled nuclear spins in semiconductors of the A3B5 and A2B6 groups. Absorption spectra were measured in zero and also in weak external static magnetic fields using warm-up spectroscopy, which is an analogue of optically detected nuclear magnetic resonance (ODNMR). The experiments were carried out for a deformed bulk n-GaAs layer and a CdTe-based heterostructure. It is shown that the shape of the absorption spectra is determined by nuclear spin-spin interactions, which are very different for the selected semiconductor materials. In particular, from a theoretical analysis of experimental spectra it was established that for an n-GaAs crystal in the presence of residual deformation, the shape of the absorption spectrum in a zero magnetic field is determined by quadrupole interactions exceeding nuclear spin-spin interactions. For the CdTe heterostructure, it was established that the shape of the spectrum in zero field has a purely spin-spin character, which is confirmed by our proposed model of nuclear spin clusters. For both n-GaAs, and CdTe, absorption spectra were measured and analyzed in external static magnetic fields (analogue of NMR), where homonuclear (Zeeman) absorption peaks were found to be modified by the presence of a nuclear quadrupole (for n-GaAs) and pure spin-spin (for CdTe) interactions. Keywords: semiconductors, nuclear spin, optical cooling, absorption spectrum, spin-spin interactions.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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