Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Studying the magnetoelastic effect in submicron Ni particles on lithium triborate single-crystal surface
Bizyaev D. A. 1, Chuklanov A. P. 1, Nurgazizov N. I. 1, Bukharaev A. A. 1, Kudryavtseva E. O. 1
1Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, FRC Kazan Scientific Center of RAS, Kazan, Russia

The influence of thermoinduced magnetoelastic effect on the coercivity field of submicron rectangular Ni particles with respect to orientation of their long side to axes of the crystalline substrate was studied. For this purpose, particles with size of 0.9x0.3x0.03 μm were formed on the single-crystalline lithium triborate (LiB3O5) surface at angles of 0, 20, 50, 65, and 90o relative to the z-axis of the single-crystal. It was experimentally shown that by changing the sample temperature in the range of 25-55oC, it is possible to both decrease and increase the particle's coercivity field. The observed changes in the coercivity field are associated with the magnetoelastic anisotropy induced in the particles due to differences in the thermal expansion coefficients of the substrate along different crystalline axes and the angle between the particle's long side and the z-axis of the single-crystal. Keywords: thermally induced magnetoelastic effect, submicron particles, switching field, magnetic force microscopy.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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