Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Effect of low doses of ion irradiation on the superconducting properties of thin NbN films
Golubev G. Yu.1, Prikhodko K. E.1,2, Gurovich B. A.1, Komarov D. A.1, Malieva E. M.1, Goncharov B. V.1, Goncharova D. A.1, Stolyarov V. L.1
1National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russia
2National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Moscow, Russia

For the first time, experiments have been carried out on the effect of low fluences (~2.7·1014 cm-2) of mixed ion irradiation on the superconducting characteristics of an NbN film. The critical transition currents (obtained from static current-voltage characteristics) and the R(T) dependences were measured for the initial film and after irradiation with a low fluence. It was found that at such a fluence, an increase in the critical current for the transition of NbN from the superconducting state to the normal state is observed. It was established that such a small fluence does not influence the critical transition temperature. Keywords: NbN thin films, mixed ion irradiation, critical currents of superconducting films, effect of irradiation on the superconducting properties of films.
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