Physics of the Solid State
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Features of the nonlinear microwave response of ultrathin YBaCuO films
Pestov E.E.1,2, Levichev M. Yu.1, Yunin P. A.1,2, Masterov D. V.1, Parafin A. E. 1, Pavlov S. A.1, Savonov D. A.1,2
1Institute for Physics of Microstructures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
2Lobachevsky State University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Using the method of nonlinear near-field microwave microscopy, the temperature dependences of the third harmonic power were studied for different orientations of the a-b axes of ultrathin YBaCuO films with a thickness of 4-5 nm. The experimental results obtained indicate that the nonlinear response at low temperatures may be associated with the presence of Andreev bound states. Keywords: high-temperature superconductors, near-field microwave microscopy, nonlinear Meissner effect, Andreev bound states, ultrathin films.
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