Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Strong elasticity anisotropy for disordered cubic titanium monoxide TiOy
Valeeva A. A. 1, Gusev A. I. 1
1Institute of Solid State Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Branch, Yekaterinburg, Russia

The elastic constants c11,c12,c44 are estimated for the first time as functions of the oxygen content y in the homogeneity region TiO0.80-TiO1.25 of disordered cubic TiOy titanium monoxide. The elastic stiffness constants cij of disordered TiOy increase with a rise in the relative oxygen content y. The values of elastic moduli depend on the crystallographic [hkl] direction. Large changes in the elastic characteristics of TiOy depending on the [hkl] direction indicate a strong anisotropy of the elastic properties of disordered TiOy. Titanium monoxide TiOy has a much greater anisotropy of elastic properties than the related cubic titanium carbide TiCy. Disordered TiOy exhibits mechanical stability over the entire homogeneity region. Based on the ratio of the bulk modulus B and shear modulus G, polycrystalline TiOy can be considered as a ductile material. The calculated Debye temperature of polycrystalline cubic TiOy increases non-linearly with a rise in the relative oxygen content y. Keywords: Elastic constants, nonstoichiometry, elastic properties anisotropy, mechanical stability, Debye temperature.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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