X-ray surface guided modes on a boundary between two different periodical multilayer structures
Prudnikov I. R.1,2, Usmanov N. N.1
1Department of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
2National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Moscow, Russia
Email: prudnik@phys.msu.ru

On the basis of an analytical approach and with the help of numerical simulations, it is shown that the excitation of an X-ray surface guided mode is possible under certain conditions on a boundary between two different periodical multilayer structures (multilayer mirrors). This mode propagates along the boundary between the two structures and its intensity decreases exponentially with increasing the distance from a boundary surface deep into each of them. An indication of the appearance of the guided wave is a resonant dip in an X-ray specular reflectivity curve from a set of the two periodical multilayer mirrors that are placed consecutively, one after another, on a substrate. An influence of the thicknesses of films, forming one bilayer, and layer materials in the multilayer structures on peculiarities of a surface wave excitation is investigated. Keywords: periodical multilayer structure, interface, X-ray surface guided mode, Bragg reflection.
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