Bicolour single photon source based on HPHT nanodiamond
Pasternak D. G.1, Romshin A. M.1, Zhivopistsev A. A.1, Bagramov R. H.2, Filonenko V. P.2, Vlasov I. I.1
1Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2Institute for High Pressure Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow, Russia

Single-photon fluorescence of the visible and near-infrared ranges in individual diamond nanoparticles of various sizes synthesized at high pressure and high temperature (HPHT) from a mixture of hydrocarbons containing nitrogen and silicon is studied. The fundamental possibility of obtaining diamond crystallites that contain single NV and SiV centers emitting photons at two different frequencies is demonstrated. This research could potentially lead to the controlled creation of dual-frequency room-temperature single-photon sources using individual diamond nanoparticles, which would significantly enhance their functionality in quantum optical technologies. Keywords: HPHT synthesis, nanodiamond, luminescence, single photon source, NV-, SiV-.
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