Simulation and measurement of stroke in piezoceramic combs with a decrease in cross-sectional area of control elements
Toporovsky V.V.1, Samarkin V.V.1, Kudryashov A.V.1, Galaktionov I.V.1, Panich A.A.2, Malykhin A.Yu.2
1Sadovsky Institute of Geosphere Dynamics of Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow, Russia
2STCB ‘Piezopribor’, Institute for Advanced Technologies and Piezotechnics SFEDU, Rostov-on-Don, Russia

Numerical modeling of multilayer piezoactuators with a cross-sectional area of 2x2 mm was carried out. It was shown that when interdigitated switching is used in piezoactuators, a local redistribution of transverse strain maxima is observed, which leads to a decrease in the mechanical strength and reliability of control elements. Piezoceramic combs with identical linear dimensions were produced and the mechanical and electrical properties of the developed elements were measured. It was revealed that stroke at a control voltage of 300 V decreases from 4 to 1.5 μm when using the interdigitated switching method in comparison with multilayer actuators of larger cross-section due to a decrease in the effective polarization area of piezoactuators. Piezoceramic combs with wire commutation were manufactured, where the displacement at a control voltage of 300 V was 4.6-4.8 μm. Keywords: wavefront correctors, multilayer piezoactuators, finite element method, adaptive optics.
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