Physics of the Solid State
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Paramagnetic Tb3+ centers in yttrium aluminum garnet
Asatryan G. R.1, Shakurov G. S. 2, Romanov N. G.1, Petrosyan A. G.3
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, FRC Kazan Scientific Center of RAS, Kazan, Russia
3Institute for Physical Research, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Ashtarak, Armenia

Yttrium-aluminum garnet crystals with terbium impurity were studied by high-frequency EPR in a wide frequency range (70-200 GHz). Along with the Tb3+ ions located in the yttrium position in a regular environment, a number of terbium centers with a lower concentration and changed values of the initial splitting of the non-Kramers quasi-doublets were observed. The change in the initial splitting is associated with the presence of antisite defects in the terbium environment. The terbium centers with a smaller initial splitting as compared to the main Tb3+ were found and attributed to terbium ions, near which there are AlY antisite defects (aluminum ions in dodecahedral positions of yttrium). Keywords: electron paramagnetic resonance, yttrium aluminum garnet, rare earth elements, terbium, antisite defects.
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