Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Multicycle electric pulse loading of amorphous cobalt- and iron-based alloys
Fedorov V. A. 1, Pluzhnikova T. N. 1, Fedotov D. Yu. 1, Boitsova M. V. 1
1Tambov State University, Tambov, Russia

The effect of electric current pulses on the mechanical characteristics of Co and Fe-based ribbon amorphous alloys is investigated. It is shown that the alloy tensile strength and the maximal pulse amount for destruction decrease linearly growth current density. The dependences between the σ tensile strength of current-induced parallel magnetized materials and ε relative sample deformation is noticed, and micro-bursts of mechanical stress appear at mentioned conditions. The manifestation of microbursts may be associated with a magnetocaloric effect. Keywords: magnetic field, pulse current, strength.
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  3. V.A. Fedorov, T.N. Pluzhnikova, A.D. Berezner. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1115, 5, 052016 (2018).
  4. G.Y. Wang, P.K. Liaw, W.H. Peter, B. Yang, M. Freels, Y. Yokoyama, M.L. Benson, B.A. Green, T.A. Saleh, R.L. McDaniels, R.V. Steward, R.A. Buchanan, C.T. Liu, C.R. Brooks. Intermetallics 12, 10-11, 1219 (2004).
  5. E.V. Dvoreckaia, V.L. Sidorov, O.V. Koplak, D.V. Korolev, V.P. Piskorsky, R.A. Valeev, R.B. Morgunov. Phys. Solid State 64, 8, 989 (2022).

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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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