Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Phase transition of oxides of the Magneli series: VO, V2O3, VO2, V2O5
Ilinskiy A. V.1, Shadrin E. B.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

It is shown that the crystals of vanadium oxides inherit the correlation properties of the oxidized chemical element - vanadium, namely: the energy position of the electronic zones of the crystals essentially depends on the degree of filling these zones with electrons. The complex Mott-Peierls character of the phase transitions in all the listed strongly correlated compounds has been established. As the oxidation state of vanadium in VOx compounds increases (the x index increases from 1 to 2.5), the metallic properties of the oxides weaken, accompanied by an increase in the temperature of the semiconductor-metal phase transition and an increase in the band gap. Keywords: Magneli series, Mott-Peierls transition.
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  10. A.V. Ilinskiy, E.B. Shadrin. FTT 64, 6, 702 (2022). (in Russian)

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