Physics of the Solid State
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Creation of a homogeneous temperature gradient field for the implementation of the thermomigration method in silicon
Seredin B. M. 1, Popov V. P. 1, Zaichenko A. N. 1, Malibashev A. V. 1, Gavrus I. V. 1, Mintsev A. A.1, Skidanov A. A. 2
1Platov State Polytechnic University, Novocherkassk, Rostov oblast, Russia
2JSC “VSP-Mikron", Voronezh, Russia

Computer simulation of the temperature field of a flat resistive heater in the form of parallel strips used for thermal migration of liquid zones in silicon wafers revealed two types of local temperature gradient inhomogeneities. Monotonous radial temperature changes are associated with cooling or heating of the periphery of the plate, and periodic changes are associated with the heater bands. Both types of inhomogeneities are confirmed by the observed thermal migration trajectories of the aluminum-based zone system. The conditions for creating a homogeneous temperature gradient field for the application of thermal migration in semiconductor technology are found. Keywords: thermomigration, temperature gradient, modeling.
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