Orbital collapse of the 5g-electrons in the superheavy elements of the 8th period
Tupitsyn I. I. 1, Savelyev I. M. 1, Kozhedub Y. S. 1, Kaygorodov M. Y. 1, Glazov D. A. 1, Dulaev N. K. 1,2, Malyshev A. V. 1, Shabaev V. M. 1,2
1St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, National Research Center Kurchatov Institute, Gatchina, Russia
Email: i.tupitsyn@spbu.ru, st040493@student.spbu.ru, y.kozhedub@spbu.ru, mkay0404@gmail.com, Glazov.D.A@gmail.com, st069071@student.spbu.ru, a.v.malyshev@spbu.ru, v.shabaev@spbu.ru

The presence of the orbital collapse of the g-orbitals in the excited state of the atom with the nuclear charge number Z=124 and in the ground state of the atom with Z=125, which belong to the 8th period of the extended periodic table, is demonstrated. In both cases, the orbital collapse occurs within the same configuration when increasing the total angular momentum J, which characterizes the relativistic term of the atom in the jj coupling. All calculations are performed by means of the relativistic Dirac-Fock method. Keywords: Superheavy elements, g electrons, orbital collapse, multielectron relativistic terms, Dirac-Fock method.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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