Method of laser Doppler flowmetry in assessing the effect of liraglutide on microcirculation in rats with diet-induced obesity
Popyhova E. B. 1, Pylaev T. E. 1, Abramov A. M. 1, Vasiliev Yu. Yu.1, Vysotsky L. I.1, Nazarova A. V.1, Pogosyn E. K.1
1Saratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky, Saratov, Russia

The state of the microcirculatory bed in rats with obesity caused by the "cafeteria diet" was studied using laser Doppler flowmetry during therapy with liraglutide. It has been shown that obesity causes a decrease in the perfusion index and normalized amplitudes of endothelial and neurogenic oscillations on the skin of the dorsal foot of experimental animals. Therapy with liraglutide contributed to the reduction of excess body weight and the Lee index, which resulted in the restoration of disturbed microcirculation of the skin of the dorsal foot of rats, as well as the normalization of the functional activity of target organs. Keywords: laser Doppler flowmetry, microcirculation, cafeteria diet, obesity, liraglutide. DOI: 10.61011/EOS.2023.06.56669.120-23
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