Features of infrared spectra of blood serum of patients with multiple myeloma
Chernyshev D. A.1, Mikhailets E. S.1, Plotnikova L. V.1, Garifullin A. D.1,2, Kuvshinov A. I.2, Voloshin S. V.2,3, Polyanichko A. M. 1,4
1St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
3Kirov Military Medical Academy, St. Petersburg, Russia
4Institute of Cytology Russian Academy of Science, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Email: lfybbk1399123@gmail.com, elinamikhailets@mail.ru, a.polyanichko@spbu.ru

A comparative analysis of infrared (IR) spectra of blood serum of healthy donors and patients with multiple myeloma (MM) is carried out. The MM is characterized by hyperproduction of paraprotein, which manifests in a change in the IR absorption spectrum profile in the mid-IR range. It is shown the most significant deviations in spectra are observed for the samples of secretory MM near Amide I and Amide II' bands. As a result of the comparative analysis of IR spectra of blood serum in the region of 1700-1350 cm-1 9 parameters were identified, which average values in samples taken from patients with secretory MM form are significantly different from the same parameters of healthy donor serum. Keywords: IR spectroscopy, multiple myeloma, blood serum, secondary structure of proteins. DOI: 10.61011/EOS.2023.06.56663.105-23
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