Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Influence of the structural state on the elastic and microplastic properties of aluminum alloy AD1
Narykova M. V. 1, Kardashev B. K. 1, Betekhtin V. I. 1, Kadomtsev A. G. 1, Lihachev A. I.1, Amosova. O. V. 1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

The results of a study of aluminum alloy AD1 in four structural states before and after severe plastic deformation are presented. Both the initial coarse-grained state (supply state) and three fine-grained states, which differ from each other in the method of obtaining, are considered. Elastic and microplastic properties (modulus of elasticity, decrement of elastic vibrations, microplastic deformation) were determined by the acoustic method of a composite vibrator. It is shown that the modulus of elasticity changes to a large extent under the influence of the evolution of internal stresses; the attenuation of ultrasound after severe plastic deformation increases due to an increase in the area of grain boundaries. Key words: AD1 aluminum, modulus of elasticity, microcrystalline aluminum, decrement of elastic vibrations, microplastic deformation. Keywords: aluminum AD1, modulus of elasticity, microcrystalline aluminum, decrement of elastic vibrations, microplastic deformation. DOI: 10.61011/PSS.2023.08.56580.139
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