X-ray luminescence of SrF2:Eu nanopowders
Drobysheva A. R.1, Ermakova Yu. A.1, Alexandrov A. A.1, Voronov V. V.1, Batygov S. Ch.1, Rezaeva A. D.1, Martyanov A. K.1, Sedov V. S.1, Tiazhelov I. A.1, Boldyrev K. N.2, Tabachkova N. Yu.1, Kuznetsov S. V.1
1Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow, Russia
Email: julia.r89@mail.ru, alexandrov1996@yandex.ru, voronov@lst.gpi.ru, sbatygov@mail.ru, 1032192969@rudn.ru, art.martyanov@gmail.com, sedovvadim@yandex.ru, tiazhelov@rambler.ru, kn.boldyrev@gmail.com, ntabachkova@gmail.com, KouznetzovSV@gmail.com

Concentration series of single-phase SrF2: Eu solid solutions with a particle size of ~ 50 nm were synthesized by precipitation from aqueous solutions. The bands of europium in the di- and trivalent states as well as a band of intrinsic exciton luminescence of strontium fluoride were identified in the X-ray luminescence spectra. The most intense luminescence band is the band of trivalent europium with a maximum at 585-590 nm which corresponding to the ^5D0 -> 7F1 transition. The highest X-ray luminescence intensities upon excitation by an X-ray tube with silver and tungsten anodes are achieved for compositions containing about 15.0 mol.% and 7.5 mol.% europium, respectively. Keywords: X-ray luminescence, strontium fluoride, europium. DOI: 10.61011/EOS.2023.05.56516.58-22

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