Physics of the Solid State
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The effect of temperature on the electron-stimulated desorption of lithium atoms from the surface of LixAuy intermetallic compounds
Kuznetsov Yu. A.1, Lapushkin M. N.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

The effect of temperature on the electron-stimulated desorption of lithium atoms from the surface of 2D semiconductor LixAuy intermetallic compounds in the temperature range from 160 to 300 K was studied. LixAuy intermetallic compounds were formed during the deposition of lithium atoms on gold film 2 monolayers thick at room temperature. An island mechanism for the formation of LixAuy intermetallic compounds has been proposed. The decrease in the yield of electronically stimulated desorption of lithium atoms from the surface of LixAuy 2D semiconductor intermetallic compounds with decreasing temperature is associated with a decrease in the probability of capturing an excited electron into the conduction band into a local state near the bottom of the conduction band. The calculation by the density functional method showed that 2D layers of LiAu form semiconductor compounds, the band width of which decreases with increasing thickness of the 2D layers of LiAu. Keywords: electron-stimulated desorption, lithium, gold, semiconductor, intermetallic compound. DOI: 10.61011/PSS.2023.07.56409.64
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