Physics of the Solid State
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Propagation of spin waves in channels formed by decoration of the surfaces of yttrium-iron garnet films by thin metal areas
Sakharov V. K. 1,2, Khivintsev Y. V. 1,2, Dzhumaliev A. S. 1, Nikulin Y. V. 1,2, Seleznev M. E. 1, Filimonov Y. A. 1,2
1Saratov Branch, Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Saratov, Russia
2Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia

Transmission of magnetostatic surface waves (MSSW) through the microchannels formed by decoration of yttrium-iron garnet (YIG) film with non-magnetic (chromium) and ferromagnetic (permalloy) metals having thickness of 30 nm was experimentally studied. MSSW losses induced by the considered metals and MSSW dispersion curves are compared with theoretical dependencies calculated taking into account the finite conductivity and magnetization of the metal layers. Possibility to reach the "antireflective" effect in the amplitude-frequency dependencies of MSSW transmission coefficient with the help of YIG film decoration with the permalloy elements was shown. Keywords: Spin waves, yttrium-iron garnet, microantennas, decorated structures. DOI: 10.61011/PSS.2023.07.56404.20H
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