Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Effect of Friedel Oscillations on the Work Function of Ytterbium Nanofilms
Kuzmin M.V. 1, Mittsev M.A. 1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

The effect of standing waves of charge density (Friedel oscillations) generated by an interface of the metallic ytterbium nanofilm single-crystal silicon substrate type on the work function of ytterbium nanolayers has been studied. It is shown that in the range of nanofilm thicknesses from 0 to 8 monatomic layers, the work function has an oscillating character. This feature of the dependence of the work function on the nanofilm thickness is a consequence of the fact that the standing waves change nonmonotonically the power (momentum) of the electric double layer, which exists on the metal surface and affects the work function of the metal. This ultimately determines the oscillating nature of the dependence of the work function on the thickness of the nanofilms. Keywords: surface, nanofilm, work function, Friedel oscillations, electric double layer, ytterbium.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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