Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Numerical simulation of the behavior of enstatite up to 1.4 TPa
Maevskii K. K. 1
1Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia

An accurate description of the effect of extreme pressure and temperature on the physical properties of materials is required to understand the structure and composition of the mantle of the Earth and similar planets. One of such materials is enstatite MgSiO3, which causes increased interest in the investigating of its behavior under intense dynamic loads. It is proposed to consider the shock-wave loading of enstatite as a mixture of quartz oxides SiO2 and MgO periclase in an equal stoichiometric ratio based on experimental data in which decomposition of magnesium silicates was observed. Calculations are performed using a thermodynamically equilibrium model that takes into account the phase transitions of the components. Phase transitions of SiO2 and MgO are taken into account when modeling high-energy effects on enstatite. The results are compared with the data obtained on the basis of shock-wave loading experiments, as well as with calculations based on the PREM model performed based on the results of seismic exploration. Keywords: equation of state, phase transitions, quartz oxide, periclase oxide, enstatite.
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