Physics of the Solid State
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Multi-zone resonance spectrometry of inelastic electron scattering of light and the manifestation of strong spin-orbit interaction in nanostructures with quantum dots
Toporov V. V.1, Bayramov B. X.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

Highly sensitive methods of inelastic light scattering spectrometry have been developed to detect individual photons in the visible and near-infrared spectral ranges (0.4-1.35) μm. Precision optical measurements of vibrational and electronic states of nanostructures with quantum objects are performed, using the example of quantum-dimensional nanoheterostructures (311)In si-GaAs/InAs with InAs quantum dots. A distinctive attractive feature of such structures with a degenerate valence band of symmetry 8 is the presence of a strong spin-orbit interaction. In this case, the intrinsic moment of the holes can effectively interact with the electric field of the incident light wave. It was found that such interaction causes intense luminescence and inelastic scattering of the light wave in the IR region of the 0.9-1.35 μm spectrum. Effective generation of nonequilibrium electron-hole (e-h) plasma with concentrations n=p=1.0·1017 cm-3 and T_e=T_h=25 K,was revealed under resonant excitation conditions, while the lattice temperature T_L=5.1 K. New mechanisms have been discovered for the formation of an abnormally intense integration spectrum of multiplex inelastic light scattering of a rather complex shape formed by various separable resonant contributions of the processes of quasi-elastic scattering by charge carriers, light scattering by acoustic plasmons of electron-hole plasma, as well as inelastic intra- and inter-band light scattering by heavy holes. It has been established that the anomalous intensity gain of such multi-zone selective resonant light scattering is more than 105 times higher than the intensity of Thomson light scattering on individual charge carriers. There is agreement between the estimated calculated and experimental spectra, and for the most part for the difficult-to-interpret significant width of the observed light scattering line. It is shown that new mechanisms of various contributions to the formation of scattered photon radiation are important diagnostic elements that are clearly manifested in the spectra of the resulting enhanced inelastic light scattering. Keywords: nanostructures, quantum objects, resonant scattering of light by charge carriers, exchange interaction, plasma diagnostics.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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