Physics of the Solid State
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Mechanism of electrotransport in superionic conductor Sr0.7La0.15Lu0.15F2.3 with the fluorite-type structure
Sorokin N. I. 1, Karimov D. N.1
1Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography “Crystallography and Photonics”, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

The ionic conductivity of the superionic conductor Sr0.7La0.15Lu0.15F2.3 with the fluorite-type structure (type CaF2, sp. gr. Fm3m) had measured by the impedance spectroscopy in the temperature range 385-794 K. Bulk crystals of a three-component solid solution (lattice parameter a=5.7726(1) Angstrem) had obtained from the melt by the directed crystallization technique. Temperature dependence ionic conductivity sigmadc(T) satisfies the Arrhenius-Frenkel equation with the activation enthalpy of the electrical conductivity Delta Hsigma=0.706± 0.05 eV. The value of sigmadc is 1.5·10-5 S/cm at 500 K. Based on the analysis of electrophysical and structural studies of fluorite-type solid solutions in SrF2-LaF3 and SrF2-LuF3 systems, the microscopic model of ion transport in the Sr0.7La0.15Lu0.15F2.3 crystal was proposed. The concentration and mobility of charge carriers were calculated: nmob=7.8·1020 cm-3 and μmob=1.2·10-7 cm2/Vs at 500 K. Keywords: superionic conductors, impedance spectroscopy, single crystals, fluorides, rare earth ions, fluorite structure.
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