Approach to the approximation of the transfer characteristic and correlation response of Fourier holography scheme
Pavlov A. V. 1, Gauge A. O. 1, Alekseev A. M. 2
1ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia
2JSC Laboratory Equipment Plant "Freim", Saint-Petersburg, Russia

An approach for approximating the transfer characteristic and response in the +1th order of diffraction of a 4f Fourier holography scheme by a Gaussian-like model as applied to image processing with power-law spatial-frequency power spectra is proposed. The relations between the parameters of the approximation models and the reference image spectra are found by numerical simulation depending on the reference spectrum exponent. The approximation errors and the possibility of their optimization in the required range of spatial frequencies, determined by the nonlinearity of the exposure characteristics of holographic recording media, are shown. The validity of the approach is confirmed by comparing the results of numerical simulation with experimental data. Keywords: holography, Fourier transform, spatial frequency spectrum, impulse response, recording media, exposure characteristic.
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