Physics of the Solid State
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Spectroscopy of the yttrium scandate doped by thulium ions
Dobretsova E. A. 1, Alimov O. K. 1, Rusanov S. Ya. 1, Kashin V. V. 1, Voronov V. V. 1, Guryev D. A. 1, Kutovoi S. A. 1, Vlasov V. I.1, Tsvetkov V. B. 1
1Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

The thulium-doped yttrium scandate crystal fiber has been obtained by the laser-heated pedestal growth method. The crystal belongs to the bixbyite type, has a cubic structure and crystallizes in the Ia3 space group. The lattice parameters (a=10.224(1) Angstrem) have been determined using the powder X-ray diffraction. Spectral-kinetic measurements have allowed to detect two symmetrically independent optical centers of Tm3+ ions in the crystal fiber. Keywords: bixbyite, optical center, rare-earth ion, laser-heated pedestal growth.
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