Physics of the Solid State
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Mechanism of domain walls drift in pulsed magnetic fields in iron garnet crystals
Pamyatnykh L. A. 1, Lysov M. S. 1, Pamyatnykh S. E. 1, Agafonov L. Yu. 1, Mekhonoshin D. S. 1, Shmatov G. A. 1
1Institute of Natural Sciences, Ural Federal University after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, Russia

Conditions for the drift of domain walls in pulsed magnetic fields of various organization (bipolar and unipolar pulsed magnetic fields, pulse packets) are established. Dependences of domain walls drift velocity on the parameters of pulsed magnetic fields (frequency, amplitude, pulse duration) are obtained. As a result of numerical simulation of domain walls drift in a uniaxial sample, an experimentally confirmed mechanism of domain walls drift in pulsed magnetic fields is proposed. Keywords: pulsed magnetic fields, iron garnets, domain walls, dynamic domain structures, drift of domain walls.
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