Physics of the Solid State
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Evolution of the defective structure during long-term loading of ultrafine-grained titanium VT1-0 obtained by intensive plastic deformation
Betekhtin V.I. 1, Kadomtsev A. G. 1, Narykova M. V. 1, Lihachev A. I. 1, Amosova O. V. 1, Saenko M. Yu.2, Kolobov Yu. R. 3
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia
3Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Moscow oblast, Russia

For high-strength titanium VT1-0, the ultrafine-grained structure of which was obtained by mechanical-thermal treatment using the methods of helical and longitudinal rolling followed by annealing to relieve stress of the first kind. The effect of long-term loading in the creep mode at elevated temperature on the size and shape of grains has been studied. A similar study was previously carried out for recrystallized coarse-grained titanium transferred from the ultrafine-grained state by isothermal annealing. Based on the data obtained in the work and the previous results of the authors, the factors affecting the mechanical stability (durability) of ultrafine-grained metals obtained under severe plastic deformation were analyzed. Keywords: creep, durability, nanopores, ultrafine-grained metals, titanium, recrystallization.
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