Physics of the Solid State
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Control of the direction of propagation of spin waves in an ensemble of laterally and vertically connected ferrite microstrips
Khutieva A. B.1, Akimova B. R.1, Beginin E. N.1, Sadovnikov A. V.1
1Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia

The possibility of controlling the direction of propagation of spin waves in an ensemble of laterally and vertically connected microstrips of iron-yttrium garnet (YIG) is shown by numerical modeling. Using the finite element method, the magnitude of the coupling length of spin waves in lateral and vertical geometries was calculated. The numerical value of the spin wave coupling coefficients was found by the finite element method as a result of solving a system of Maxwell equations with a magnetic permeability tensor obtained from the linearization of the Landau-Lifshitz equation. By integrating the equation of coupled waves, the possibility of changing the direction of propagation of the spin-wave signal in the structure under consideration is shown. The signal transmission spectra obtained in micromagnetic modeling indicate a change in the nature of the localization of the spin wave power in the output sections of the microwave with a change in the frequency at the input of the structure. The system of laterally and vertically connected microwave diodes is an element of interconnections for three-dimensional topologies of magnon networks, while demonstrating the functionality of spatial-frequency signal demultiplexing. Keywords: spin waves, magnonics, lateral structures, magnonic crystal, ensembles of related structures. Keywords: spin waves, magnonics, lateral structures, magnonic crystal, ensembles of related structures.
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