Physics of the Solid State
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Control of band gap's in a permalloy Structure by changing the meander profile
Gubanova Yu. A.1, Gubanov V. A.1, Noginova N.1, Sadovnikov A. V.1
1Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia

Control modes of band gap in meander-shaped permalloy (NiFe) thin films have been investigated by the method of micromagnetic modeling. The electrodynamic problem is considered by the finite element method and the dispersion characteristics of spin waves are obtained when the geometrical parameters of the meander are changed. The character of changes in the frequency ranges of the Bragg band gaps depending on the meander profile has been investigated. The results can be used to create devices for microwave signal processing, microwave filters and systems with spatio-temporal division of the signal. Keywords: spin waves, magnonics, meander structures, magnon crystal.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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