Physics of the Solid State
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Spin-wave resonances in a diffusion-sensitive epitaxial film YIG
Tikhonov V. V.1, Gubanov V. A.1, Sadovnikov A. V.1
1Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia

It is shown that in a tangentially magnetized film of iron yttrium garnet exist two types of resonances - a homogeneous ferrimagnetic resonance in the region of the film's homogeneous magnetization (outside the diffusion layer), and inhomogeneous spin-wave resonance within the thickness of the diffusion layer. A method of calculating the magnetization distribution over the film thickness using measured frequencies of the spin-wave and ferrimagnetic resonances. The method of mathematical modeling has established that the magnetic inhomogeneity of the transition layer layer introduces significant distortions of the oscillation epure at the frequency of the spin-wave resonance, and the nature of the distortions significantly depends on the magnitude of the magnetizing field. The results of the conducted can be useful for nondestructive control of the layered structure of YIG epitaxial films. Keywords: yttrium iron garnet epitaxial films, exchange spin waves, spinwave electronics, magnonics.
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