Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Structure, Morphology, Transport, and Mechanism of Oxygen Loss in YBa2Cu3O7-delta Thin Films Obtained by Pulsed Laser Deposition with Velocity Filtration in Erosion Plume
Il'in A.I. 1, Ivanov A.A. 2, Egorov V.K. 1
1Institute of Microelectronics Technology and High Purity Materials, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Russia
2National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Moscow, Russia

We report the study of YBa2Cu3O7-delta films, synthesized on SrTiO3(100) substrates by pulsed laser deposition with velocity filtration, using X-ray diffractometry, transport measurements, and scanning electron microscopy. We have revealed the dependence of the structure of 100-200 nm thick YBa2Cu3O7-delta films on deposition time and velocity of particles in erosion plume, set by velocity filter. After deposition, the films, or their part, close to the substrate, consisted of 3-10-nm crystals with oxygen index delta=0.08, the same as in the target. For deposition time from 10 to 60 min, we observed the growth of regular pyramids with triangular and quadrangular bases from 20 to 500 nm in size at the base and spiral pyramids with polygonal bases on the film surface. The maximum oxygen loss up to delta=0.35 and T(R=0) up to 77.4 K coincided with the appearance of spiral pyramids up to 100 nm-high. These findings evidence in favor of oxygen depletion of the top layers of YBa2Cu3O7-delta thin films through the formation and growth of oxygen-deficient pyramids on their surface. The oxygen index in the range of delta=0.08-0.15 in both nanocrystals and regular pyramids of 20-300 nm in size provided T(R=0)=84-87 K and the width of superconducting transition Delta T=2.5-3.5 K. Keywords: pulsed laser deposition, surface morphology, film transport properties, film evolution, SrTiO3.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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