Physics of the Solid State
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Ab initio calculations of electronic properties and charge transfer in Zn1-xCuxO with wurtzite structure
Asadov M. M.1,2, Mustafaeva S. N.3, Guseinova S. S.3, Lukichev V. F.4
1Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry named after Academician M. Nagiyev, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan
2Scientific research institute of Geotechnological Problems of Oil, Gas and Chemistry, Baku, Azerbaijan
3Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan
4Valiev Institute of Physics and Technology of RAS, Moscow, Russia

The results of studying the electronic structure and the influence of the local environment of the copper impurity on the properties and magnetic moment in supercells in Zn1-xCuxO are presented. DFT calculations were carried out in the local electron density (LDA) and generalized gradient approximation (GGA). The band structure of in Zn1-xCuxO was calculated taking into account the correction for spin polarization and the strong electronic interaction. DFT LSDA + U and SGGA + U (U is the Coulomb interaction) calculations made it possible to take into account the contributions of the 3d shells of the Zn and Cu cations to the band spectrum of in Zn1-xCuxO. The introduction of copper into the ZnO lattice leads to a change in the impurity and valence bands of in Zn1-xCuxO. In this case, the bottom of the in Zn1-xCuxO conduction band shifts towards low energies. The total density of electronic states of in Zn1-xCuxO near the Fermi level is mainly determined by the 3d states of Zn and Cu and the 2p state of oxygen. ZnO doped with copper acquires a magnetic moment. The introduction of a vacancy into a supercell in Zn1-xCuxO noticeably changes the local magnetic moment. As the copper concentration in Zn1-xCuxO (x=0, 0.01, and 0.02) increases, the conductivity of the samples in both constant and alternating current increased, and the activation energy of conduction decreased. Keywords: ZnO, copper doping, density functional theory, band calculations, electronic structure, localized magnetic moment, defect formation energies, Zn1-xCuxO, charge transfer, parameters of localized states.
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