A new method for determining the density distribution of electronic states on the tail of the valence band of amorphous semiconductors SexS1-x
Ikramov R. G.1, Nuriddinova M. A.1, Muminov K. A.1
1Namangan Engineering-Technological Institute, Namangan, Uzbekistan
Email: rgikramov@mail.ru

The analytical expression and the experimental curve of the spectrum of the exponential absorption of amorphous selenium-sulfur solid solution (Se0.5S0.5 and Se0.7S0.3). Analytical parameters the expression for the exponential absorption spectrum, which determine the curvature of the exponential tails allowed bandes are found by approximating the experimental curve. Using the approximation Davis - Mott, using the Kubo-Greenwood formula for the exponential absorption spectrum, a new formula that determines the density of electronic states in the tail of the valence band. Using this formula and the experimentally determined spectrum of exponential absorption shows the possibility of determination of the density of electronic states in the tail of the valence band. Keywords: Amorphous semiconductors, allowed band tails, Kubo-Greenwood formula, Davis-Mott approximation method, optical electronic transitions, exponential absorption spectrum, parameters determining the slope of the allowed band tails, distribution of the density of electronic states.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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