Physics of the Solid State
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Phase transitions and phase transformations in the phase separation nanoregions in ErMn2O5 multiferroics
Khannanov B.Kh.1, Sanina V.A. 1, Golovenchits E.I. 1, Lushnikov S.G. 1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

The effect of the rare-earth ion Er3+, which has a large orbital contribution to the magnetic moment, were studied to phase transitions and phase transformations of 2D nanoregions of phase separation in the ErMn2O5 multiferroic. These nanoregions are the semiconductor heterostructures (superlattices) and are formed due to self-organization processes in the ErMn2O5 matrix. Significant effect of Er3+ ions, the moments of which are rigidly oriented along the c axis of the crystal, on the magnetic dynamics, heat capacity and multiferroic properties of layers superlattises was found at a wide temperature range 5-300 K in ErMn2O5 multiferroics. Keywords: multiferroic, 2D phase separation nanoregions, semiconductor-heterostructures, superlattices, phase transitions, phase transformations.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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